Bihuan Chen is an associate professor at the School of Computer Science in Fudan University. He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Fudan University in 2009 and 2014. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Computer Science and Engineering in Nanyang Technological University from 2014 to 2017. His research interests lie in software engineering, focusing on software supply chain and trustworthy AI. He received three ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards at FSE 2016, ASE 2018 and ASE 2022 and two IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Awards at ICSME 2020 and SANER 2023.
Please submit your high-quality work to ISSTA 2025, ICSE 2026!
Our fuxi (伏羲) platform aims to assess and mitigate security, legal and maintenance risks of software supply chain across the entire engineering lifecycle (e.g., develop, build, deliver and maintain), across multiple programming languages (e.g., Java, Go, Python, JavaScript and C/C++), and across multiple application domains (e.g., application systems and AI systems).
Assure human-centric, system-level and multi-dimension trustworthy AI (e.g., fairness, safety, security, robustness, privacy, explainability, interpretability, transparency and accountability) across the full AI system engineering lifecyle (e.g., develop, train, test, deploy and monitor).
See also at DBLP and Google Scholar.
bhchen AT fudan DOT edu DOT cn
D2014-1, Interdisciplinary Building No. 2, Jiangwan Campus